AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator.
After a recent life saving incident, a first responder said "anyone can use an AED." “Once you open the lid of the AED it starts talking to you, place pads on patient now, you follow the pictures on the pads put them right where they need to be it will tell us continue CPR so it can do an analysis then it will say shock advised or shock not advised.” The first responder saved the life of a man that collapsed at his office. His employer is now equipping all of their locations with AEDs. The company's Safety Director was quoted “We had been talking about getting AEDs for a little while, but it kind of got put on the back burner, now when you see an employee that gets saved by one, it’s well worth it.”
Don't put your purchase of an AED on the back burner. This man was lucky that first responders were very close. Early defibrillation, along with CPR, is the only way to restore a victim’s heart rhythm to normal. According to the American Heart Association, a victim's chance of surviving drops by seven to 10 percent for every minute a normal heartbeat isn't restored.
If you would like to learn more about which AED is right for you, please visit our website (you can open a chat) or call us at 1-800-441-8378.